Hello!, I am

Undergraduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Peloponnese.

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Konstantinos Dritsas

About me

My introduction

I am a fourth-year student in the ECE department at the University of Peloponnese. I enjoy problem-solving and programming. I always strive to give my 100% in the work I do. So far, I have worked with the following languages: Python, JavaScript, SQLite, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS, Java, and C++ throughout my studies.


My journey

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Peloponnese

As a student of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Peloponnese, I acquire knowledge and skills in a wide range of sciences and technologies, such as electronics, computer science, telecommunications, and energy. I learn how to analyze, design, implement, and apply systems and solutions that enhance quality of life and social welfare. I participate in research and educational programs that enrich me both scientifically and humanistically. I have the opportunity to collaborate with professors and colleagues from different levels and fields.

  • Start Date: October, 2020

  • End Date: In progress ⏳

  • Location: Patras, Greece

  • Skills

    Knowledge level: Intermediate Low


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Bootstrap


    • Python
    • SQL/MySQLi
    • MongoDB
    • Matlab


    • Github
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • PowerBI


    In Progress and Completed Projects

    • Personal Voice Assistant
    • A Brief Overview:
    • Harnessing Natural Language Processing and AI for Voice Commands, User-friendly Interface, Supported by MongoDB for Efficient Data Management.
    • Progress
    • IoT Generative Music
    • A Brief Overview:
    • Music from Weather Data with Rasberry Pi-4, Weather API and MongoDB.
    • Progress
    • Crimes in London InsightHub
    • A Brief Overview:
    • Data Synthesis and Visualisation using PowerBI for Crime in London as well as possible forecasts on the interpretation of data.
    • Progress


    A Journey in Volunteering and Organizational Leadership

    Department ECE, University of Peloponnese

    IEEE SB University of Peloponnese-Patras

    IEEE Puzzlers

    Contact Me

    You can reach me by email, LinkedIn or GitHub.

    © 2023 Konstantinos Dritsas. All rights reserved.

    It was made in the context of practicing the content of the course about:

    Web Technologies and Applications ECE_INF750